After Many Years Of Suffering With Chronic Knee Pain, Here’s How I Finally Found An Alternative Medical Solution

I never thought I would ever be able to walk pain-free ever again...

My name is Madeline Filer and as a middle-aged woman with knee arthritis, I never thought I would ever be able to walk pain-free ever again. 

My friends told me that a knee replacement was probably the only solution but at $47,000, the cost was just way too high. 

Anyone who has ever experienced bone-on-bone, grinding knee pain will know that the condition can also affect your posture. This can shift your body weight, making you walk slightly crouched, which in turn puts a lot of pressure on your lower back.

My name is Madeline Filer and as a middle-aged woman with knee arthritis, I never thought I would ever be able to walk pain-free ever again. 

My friends told me that a knee replacement was probably the only solution but at $47,000, the cost was just way too high. 

Anyone who has ever experienced bone-on-bone, grinding knee pain will know that the condition can also affect your posture.

This can shift your body weight, making you walk slightly crouched, which in turn puts a lot of pressure on your lower back.

I had to resort to using a walking stick..

Well, I have had to endure this knee problem for about 9 years, and it had been getting increasingly worse year after year. 

Last year, I had to resort to walking with a stick as my balance was becoming very unstable. 

And earlier this year, I had a fall when my knee just gave way completely. I ended up bedridden for 3 weeks, depending entirely on my husband and daughter to look after me. I hated being a burden to my family.

Regular medication could not kill my pain..

Some days the pain in my knee would be just about tolerable, but for most of the time, it would be absolutely unbearable. Of course, I was taking painkillers and creams but there were times when nothing would ease the intense pain. 

It got so bad that my knee pain was affecting my mental health because I couldn’t go out, and when I did, I couldn’t go very far. To be honest, my life was a complete misery from the moment I woke up to the minute I fell asleep at night.

My friend’s skiing accident

One day, just out of the blue, I get a call from my old friend Tessa. We hadn’t seen each other for about 6 months, and she suggested we got together for a catch-up. 

I was more than happy to, especially when she said offered to call round to my house and pick me up in her car. We ended up going to a local restaurant for lunch, and we got chatting. 

She told me that she had spent 2 weeks in the hospital due to a skiing accident while on vacation in Breckenridge, Colorado.

An alternative type of medical aid

I had no idea she had been injured until she told me. She also told me that she had badly damaged her knee in the accident, and for 4 months she could hardly walk. I remember laughing and saying, yeah, tell me about it…. as I showed her my knee brace. 

She told me that after trying all kinds of medication for the pain she came across an alternative type of medical aid.

She said she discovered it in a Colorado alternative health shop that sells herbs and stuff, and it works better than any other type of medication she had tried before.

Out of curiosity, I placed an order

Fortunately, the shop has a website at, and so I thought, well what is there to lose, I’ll just try it. Even though I was highly sceptical, I placed an order. I think it was more out of desperation, and curiosity really. 

Tessa did say it took about 4 weeks before her pain completely vanished, and I thought well what’s 4 weeks when I have been suffering for years? A few days later my order arrived, and I eagerly opened it.

Here’s what happened next…

The product is a type of self-adhesive patch that you place around the knee. It was really easy to apply, and it is infused with a special blend of natural herbs. A kind of anti-inflammatory, herbal remedy I guess. Well, after the first day, I didn’t really notice any significant difference apart from a bit reduction in the pain and swelling.

Week 1

By the end of the first week, I was beginning to feel some real benefit from the patch. I mean, I could actually feel the pain draining away. I wasn’t sure at this point whether it was just all in my mind.

Week 2

Now I was getting really excited about the knee patch because I was able to walk some distance without hardly any pain. There was still a throbbing sensation to contend with but I could cope with that.

Week 3

By the end of the third week, my mood had changed completely, and everyone had noticed. I actually had a smile on my face because, despite a little irritation from the grinding, bone-on-bone sensation, I was feeling hardly any actual pain. This patch was working! 

Week 4

So, after 28 days of continuous use, I am totally pain-free. I can hardly believe it. I called my friend Tessa and thanked her for her help. She could tell from my voice that I was crying with joy. Finally, after almost 9 years of constant knee pain, I can now live a normal life. I still get the odd twinge, and I suppose that is to be expected because the knee damage is done but I’m very happy to announce, I have zero pain.

Special offer while stocks last!

The Healifeco Natural Knee Patch is 100% safe to use and contains only organic, pain-relieving ingredients, which are absorbed through the skin. These ingredients are proven to relieve pain directly at the source.

Well, for me that has been one of life’s most pleasant lessons. Natural pain relief is the way to go and right now Healifeco is running a special offer. Place your order today and enjoy up to 70% discount! 

I can’t recommend this product highly enough so if you have any kind of painful knee problem, like osteoarthritis or painful swelling, just do what I did and try it for yourself. You’ll be pleasantly surprised.

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